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The English version of the 2024 subject 1 question bank has a total of 973 questions. You can view the top 20 questions for free. Please add WeChat to purchase the complete version of the question bank.

1. A rear tire blowout can sway the tail of the vehicle. The driver should firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands to ensure the vehicle go straight, reduce speed and then stop.

Answer: Y

2. The reason that a road destroyed by flood affects safe driving and smooth passage is __.

A. The road grip becomes stronger

B. It is impossible to see the hidden holes and bumps in road surface

C. The visibility become lower and blurs the field of vision

D. The sunshine reflection blurs the view

Answer: B

3. When a vehicle passes a level crossing, it is prohibited from overtaking.

Answer: Y

4. A motorized vehicle is not allowed to make a U turn at the level crossing, bridge, steep slope, tunnel or dangerous road section.

Answer: Y

5. A motorized vehicle driver who escapes or commits other extremely serious acts after causing a major accident in violation of the traffic regulations is subject to a prison term of more than 7 years.

Answer: N

6. The main impact of the road conditions at night on safe driving is ________.

A. The visibility is low and unfavorable for observing road traffic conditions

B. The road surface is complex and changing

C. The physical strength of the driver decreases

D. The driver can easily have impulse and illusion

Answer: A

7. When seeing a watch for children sign while driving, the driver should _______.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Bypass

C. Maintain the normal speed

D. Carefully select a speed

Answer: D

8. When a vehicle has increased its speed to more than 60 kilometers per hour on the ramp of an expressway, it may directly enter the carriageway.

Answer: N

9. At night, the drivers observation is markedly poorer than in the daytime and the range of visibility range is _______.

A. Unchanged

B. Irregular

C. Longer

D. Shorter

Answer: D

10. Which illegal conduct is subject to a 12-point penalty

A. violate traffic lights

B. use falsified license plate

C. call or answer the mobile phone

D. violate prohibitive signs

Answer: B

11. When a vehicle on the main road approaches a conjunction with a feeder road, the driver should ______ in order to prevent a collision with a vehicle that suddenly enters from the feeder road.

A. Maintain the normal speed

B. Reduce speed in advance, observe and drive with care

C. Honk and swiftly pass

D. Speed up in advance and pass

Answer: B

12. When a vehicle approaches a crosswalk, the driver should ________.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Stop immediately

C. Honk to indicate the pedestrians to yield

D. Observe the movement of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles, make sure it is safe before passing

Answer: D

13. When driving in a foggy day, the driver should turn on ______.

A. The reverse light

B. The low beam light

C. The fog light

D. The high beam light

Answer: C

14. When changing lanes on an expressway, the driver should turn on the turn signal in advance, observe the traffic conditions, and slowly turn the steering wheel and enter the new lane after making sure it is safe to do so.

Answer: Y

15. When a vehicle wades across the water, the driver should maintain a low speed, and _____ the brake pedal so as to restore the braking efficiency.

A. Continuously and strongly depress

B. Intermittently and strongly depress

C. Continuously and gently depress

D. Intermittently and gently depress

Answer: D

16. It is not safe for a woman driver to wear high heels to drive a vehicle.

Answer: Y

17. Must reduce the frequency of honking in this section.

Answer: N

18. When driving at night on a road with no or poor lighting, the driver should switch from the low beam light to the high beam light. But the vehicle following in the same direction is not allowed to use the high beam light.

Answer: Y

19. When starting up a vehicle stopping at the roadside, the driver should first ________.

A. Depress the accelerator pedal and start

B. Honk

C. Increase engine rotation speed

D. Observe the conditions around the vehicles

Answer: D

20. You may speed up to go through the intersection in this case.Answer£º

Answer: N
