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The English version of the 2024 subject 1 question bank has a total of 973 questions. You can view the top 20 questions for free. Please add WeChat to purchase the complete version of the question bank.

1. If the accumulated penalty points of a motorized vehicle driver reach 12 points and the driver refuses to participate in the study course and also refuses to take tests, it should be publicly announced that his driving license should no longer be used.

Answer: Y

2. When a motorized vehicle passes through narrow road or bridge, the maximum speed should not exceed 30 kilometers per hour.

Answer: Y

3. The main impact of rainy weather on safe driving is _______.

A. The road is wet and slippery and the visibility is poor

B. The engine is prone to stop

C. The resistance to the vehicle increases

D. The electric equipment is prone to getting wet and causing short circuit

Answer: A

4. A motorized vehicle is not allowed to stop in the section 50 meters to the intersection.

Answer: Y

5. No U turn at this section.

Answer: N

6. Max speed when pass the narrow road or bridge is _______

A. 50km/hr

B. 40km/hr

C. 30km/hr

D. 60km/hr

Answer: C

7. When a vehicle is being overtaken by another vehicle, the driver should _____.

A. Run by the central line of the road

B. Speed up and yield

C. Continue to speed up and run

D. Reduce speed and run on the right side

Answer: D

8. When a motorized vehicle encounters the cut in by another vehicle in a roundabout, the driver may not evade as long as he has the right of way.

Answer: N

9. You can make an U turn at this intersection.

Answer: N

10. When a following vehicle gives the overtaking signal, the driver should ________ if conditions permit.

A. Move to the right side and speed up

B. Voluntarily reduce speed and drive along the right side

C. Yield a proper space and speed up

D. Reduce speed rapidly or apply an emergency braking

Answer: B

11. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, the driver should ____ due to low visibility.

A. Turn on the head light and keep driving

B. Turn on the contour light, fog light and drive along the right side

C. Turn on the hazard lights and keep driving

D. Turn on the hazard lights, fog light, and stop at a safe place

Answer: D

12. When encountering a vehicle coming in the opposite direction on a mountain road, the driver should ______ when crossing each other.

A. Not reduce speed

B. Stick to the center of the road

C. Speed up

D. Reduce speed or stop to yield

Answer: D

13. Driving a motorized vehicle on the road should be required to be with a license plate.

Answer: Y

14. When the green light at a congested intersection is on, the vehicles _______.

A. May directly enter the intersection

B. Cannot enter the intersection

C. May pass the intersection by borrowing the opposite lane

D. Enter the intersection if it is safe to do so

Answer: B

15. When driving in a rainy day, the driver should _____ when a pedestrian holding umbrella or in raincoat is walking on the highway.

A. Continuously honk to indicate him to yield

B. Speed up and bypass

C. Honk in advance and properly reduce speed

D. Drive at the normal speed

Answer: C

16. Speeding up to go though the intersection before the light turns to red in this case.

Answer: N

17. When driving in a heavy rain, the driver should control the speed to avoid the danger arising from water slide.

Answer: Y

18. A rear tire blowout can sway the tail of the vehicle. The driver should firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands to ensure the vehicle go straight, reduce speed and then stop.

Answer: Y

19. When encountering a traffic jam on the expressway, the driver should follow the front vehicle lining up, and immediately turn on the hazard light to prevent rear-end collision.

Answer: Y

20. Which is subject to a 6-point penalty?

A. violate the traffic lights

B. drive school bus without qualification

C. drive the vehicle which permission is different

D. drive after drink

Answer: A
