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The English version of the 2024 subject 1 question bank has a total of 973 questions. You can view the top 20 questions for free. Please add WeChat to purchase the complete version of the question bank.

1. As the traffic flow at an interchange is generally one-way, the vehicles do not have to reduce speed when passing.

Answer: N

2. Before a motorized vehicle overtakes, the driver should turn on the left-turn signal, use the high and low beam lights alternately or honk in advance.

Answer: Y

3. A front tire blowout is very dangerous. The vehicle will immediately turn to the side where the tire is blown out and have a direct impact on the drivers control of the steering wheel.

Answer: Y

4. When finding a vehicle in the opposite direction having difficulty to go forward and needing to borrow road while crossing each other, the driver should ________.

A. Not occupy the road of the other side and should go forward normally

B. Indicate the other side to stop and yield

C. Speed up and go forward by the right side

D. Yield to the other side as much as possible

Answer: D

5. If a vehicle has the right of way at an intersection but encounters a vehicle cutting in, the driver should _________.

A. Rush to pass

B. Speed up in advance and pass

C. Reduce speed and evade, or stop to yield when necessary

D. Go forward at the normal speed according to the right of way and refuses to evade

Answer: C

6. The reason that a road destroyed by flood affects safe driving and smooth passage is __.

A. The road grip becomes stronger

B. It is impossible to see the hidden holes and bumps in road surface

C. The visibility become lower and blurs the field of vision

D. The sunshine reflection blurs the view

Answer: B

7. When a vehicle has to stop on an expressway due to a vehicle trouble, the driver should place a breakdown warning sign beyond ______ m behind the vehicle.

A. 25

B. 150

C. 100

D. 50

Answer: B

8. How far should be the distance from the vehicle in front at the speed of more than 100 km/hr when driving a small passenger vehicle on the expressway?

A. more than 50 meters

B. more than 60 meters

C. more than 100 meters

D. more than 80 meters

Answer: C

9. This motorized vehicle parked on the roadside has no illegal act.

Answer: N

10. It is not safe for a woman driver to wear high heels to drive a vehicle.

Answer: Y

11. Registration alternation is not needed when _____

A. change engine

B. add anti-collision device

C. change vehicles colour

D. change the chassis

Answer: B

12. When a motorized vehicle breaks down at night, and is difficult to move, the driver should turn on the hazard lights, the contour lights and the tail lights.

Answer: Y

13. When driving at night, the drivers visibility range becomes shorter and his observation becomes poorer. At the same time, the driver can easily become tired because he has to highly concentrate his attention.

Answer: Y

14. If the accumulated penalty points of a motorized vehicle driver reach 12 points and the driver refuses to participate in the study course and also refuses to take tests, it should be publicly announced that his driving license should no longer be used.

Answer: Y

15. In this case, if it has not begun going up the slope, the vehicle going uphill should yield to the one going downhill.

Answer: Y

16. When a vehicle running at night encounters a curve ahead, its lighting ____.

A. Leave the road surface

B. Moves from the center of the road to the roadside

C. Does not change its distance

D. Become lower

Answer: B

17. The traffic lights allow the vehicle to ______

A. turn right

B. stop and wait

C. turn left

D. go straight

Answer: A

18. When a vehicle follows another vehicle on a mountain road, it should ____.

A. Properly increase the safe distance

B. Closely follow the vehicle in front

C. Properly reduce the safe distance

D. Try to find a chance to overtake

Answer: A

19. Speeding up to go though the intersection before the light turns to red in this case.

Answer: N

20. What is the max speed limit on this road?

A. 100 km/hr

B. 90 km/hr

C. 120 km/hr

D. 110 km/hr

Answer: B
