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The English version of the 2024 subject 1 question bank has a total of 973 questions. You can view the top 20 questions for free. Please add WeChat to purchase the complete version of the question bank.

1. You can make an U turn at this intersection.

Answer: N

2. When encountering a traffic jam on the expressway, the driver should follow the front vehicle lining up, and immediately turn on the hazard light to prevent rear-end collision.

Answer: Y

3. Is there any effective auxiliary method to control the speed while driving on a long downhill road besides braking.

A. Shift to the neutral gear and slide

B. Use the engine to brake

C. Turn off the engine and slide

D. Depress the clutch and slide

Answer: B

4. The vehicles should run by the right shoulder of an expressway.

Answer: N

5. The reason that a road destroyed by flood affects safe driving and smooth passage is __.

A. The road grip becomes stronger

B. It is impossible to see the hidden holes and bumps in road surface

C. The visibility become lower and blurs the field of vision

D. The sunshine reflection blurs the view

Answer: B

6. When a motorized vehicle passes through narrow road or bridge, the maximum speed should not exceed 30 kilometers per hour.

Answer: Y

7. When a motorized vehicle breaks down on the expressway, the driver should place a warning sign 50 meters ~ 100 meters in the coming direction.

Answer: N

8. According to rules on the road traffic safety, the maximum speed on the expressway is less than 120km/hr, thus, it will not be in violation of the traffic regulations as long as the speed does not exceed 120km/hr on the expressway.

Answer: N

9. When starting up a vehicle stopping at the roadside, the driver should first ________.

A. Depress the accelerator pedal and start

B. Honk

C. Increase engine rotation speed

D. Observe the conditions around the vehicles

Answer: D

10. When discovering a road congestion ahead, the correct way to deal with this situation is to _______.

A. Continue to weave through

B. Find space and overtake one vehicle after another

C. Honk to indicate the vehicle in front to speed up

D. Stop and wait in line

Answer: D

11. You can drive directly into the expressway from this position.

Answer: N

12. How long is the period of probation of a motor vehicle driver who has applied for a driver license for the first time?

A. 18 months

B. 16 months

C. 12 months

D. 6 months

Answer: C

13. When encountering non-motorized vehicles cutting in on the road, the driver should ___.

A. Honk to warn

B. Speed up and pass

C. Reduce speed and yield

D. Suddenly speed up when approaching

Answer: C

14. If a vehicle has the right of way at an intersection but encounters a vehicle cutting in, the driver should _________.

A. Rush to pass

B. Speed up in advance and pass

C. Reduce speed and evade, or stop to yield when necessary

D. Go forward at the normal speed according to the right of way and refuses to evade

Answer: C

15. Using the high and low beam lights alternately while driving on the road of this kind of sharp curve.

Answer: Y

16. Reducing the speed to yield when encountering this situation in the intersection.

Answer: Y

17. When driving at night, the drivers visibility range becomes shorter and his observation becomes poorer. At the same time, the driver can easily become tired because he has to highly concentrate his attention.

Answer: Y

18. You may speed up to go through the intersection in this case.Answer£º

Answer: N

19. This motorized vehicle parked on the roadside has no illegal act.

Answer: N

20. When encountering an overflowing bridge, the driver should look at the situation, and passes through slowly before he makes sure that it is safe to do so.

Answer: Y
