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The English version of the 2024 subject 1 question bank has a total of 973 questions. You can view the top 20 questions for free. Please add WeChat to purchase the complete version of the question bank.

1. When driving in icy and snowy weather, ________.

A. The braking distance becomes longer

B. The resistance to slide becomes larger

C. The braking performance does not change

D. The road grip becomes stronger

Answer: A

2. When a vehicle approaches a crosswalk, the driver should ________.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Stop immediately

C. Honk to indicate the pedestrians to yield

D. Observe the movement of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles, make sure it is safe before passing

Answer: D

3. You can drive a motorized vehicle a short distance after drinking as long as it does not interfere the driving operation.

Answer: N

4. What is the max speed when passing a level crossing?

A. 15km/hr

B. 20km/hr

C. 30km/hr

D. 40km/hr

Answer: C

5. You can make an U turn at this intersection.

Answer: N

6. Registration alternation is not needed when _____

A. change engine

B. add anti-collision device

C. change vehicles colour

D. change the chassis

Answer: B

7. Emergency braking on a road covered by ice and snow can easily cause side skidding. The driver should use the engine braking to reduce speed.

Answer: Y

8. Reducing the speed when driving in sand, hail, rain, fog, ice and other weather conditions.

Answer: Y

9. At this position, you may speed up to pass through the section.

Answer: N

10. Driving a motorized vehicle on the expressway is not allowed to exceed the marked maximum speed.

Answer: Y

11. When driving at night, the drivers visibility range becomes shorter and his observation becomes poorer. At the same time, the driver can easily become tired because he has to highly concentrate his attention.

Answer: Y

12. When a motorized vehicle encounters the cut in by another vehicle in a roundabout, the driver may not evade as long as he has the right of way.

Answer: N

13. When finding a vehicle in the opposite direction having difficulty to go forward and needing to borrow road while crossing each other, the driver should ________.

A. Not occupy the road of the other side and should go forward normally

B. Indicate the other side to stop and yield

C. Speed up and go forward by the right side

D. Yield to the other side as much as possible

Answer: D

14. When encountering an ambulance rushing in the same lane in the opposite direction, the driver should ________.

A. Move to the road side, reduce speed or stop to yield

B. Drive on by using another lane

C. Speed up and change lane to avoid

D. Continue to go in the original lane

Answer: A

15. If a front tire blowout has caused a turn in direction, the driver should not avoid excess adjustment. Instead, he should control the direction of the vehicle, ____, and slowly reduce the speed of the vehicle.

A. Apply emergency braking

B. Use the handbrake

C. Gently depress the brake pedal

D. Swiftly depress the brake pedal

Answer: C

16. When discovering a vehicle behind wanting to overtake while driving, the driver should _______.

A. Maintain the original speed

B. Reduce speed, observe and run by the right side to yield

C. Speed up and go ahead by the right side

D. Not yield

Answer: B

17. When discovering traffic congestion ahead while driving, the driver should ________.

A. Find a chance to overtake the vehicle in front

B. Weave through other vehicles

C. Reduce speed, stop and wait in line

D. Honk to urge other vehicles

Answer: C

18. How often should a driver who is more than 60 years old present the certificate of physical conditions?

A. every 3 years

B. every 2 years

C. every 6 months

D. every 1 year

Answer: D

19. Motorized vehicles should pass the intersections according to the traffic signals.

Answer: Y

20. In this case, if it has not begun going up the slope, the vehicle going uphill should yield to the one going downhill.

Answer: Y
