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The English version of the 2024 subject 1 question bank has a total of 973 questions. You can view the top 20 questions for free. Please add WeChat to purchase the complete version of the question bank.

1. When encountering a traffic jam on the expressway, the driver should follow the front vehicle lining up, and immediately turn on the hazard light to prevent rear-end collision.

Answer: Y

2. A driver may drive a motorized vehicle after the driving license has been lost within 3 months.

Answer: N

3. When a motorized vehicle runs on an expressway, it ________.

A. May stop on the road shoulder to let passengers on and off

B. May stop in the emergency lane to load and unload cargos

C. May overtake or stop in the acceleration or deceleration lane

D. Is not allowed to drive or stop in the emergency lane in a non-emergency case

Answer: D

4. How to drive in this section?

A. occupy the road of the other side to pass the curve

B. drive along the middle of the curve

C. speed up and honk to pass

D. reduce speed and honk

Answer: D

5. When driving in a foggy day, the driver should turn on ______.

A. The reverse light

B. The low beam light

C. The fog light

D. The high beam light

Answer: C

6. When a vehicle overtakes the bike riders going in the same direction, the rational way to deal with is to ________.

A. Continuously honk to remind them to yield

B. Continuously honk and speed up to overtake

C. Yield to the bike riders

D. Observe them, reduce speed and go slowly, while keeping a sufficient safe distance.

Answer: D

7. Registration alternation is not needed when _____

A. change engine

B. add anti-collision device

C. change vehicles colour

D. change the chassis

Answer: B

8. Traffic Police can detain the vehicle according to law if it is without the mandatory traffic accident insurance in accordance with state regulations.

Answer: Y

9. When the vehicle has changed its direction due to a front tire blowout on the road, the driver should firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands to ensure the vehicle goes straight.

Answer: Y

10. A motorized vehicle is not allowed to stop in the section 50 meters to the intersection.

Answer: Y

11. You may speed up to go through the intersection in this case.Answer£º

Answer: N

12. When driving a vehicle through an inundated road with pedestrians on both sides, the driver should ________.

A. Speed up and pass

B. Go forward normally

C. Continuously honk

D. Reduce speed and go slowly

Answer: D

13. When encountering children on the road, the driver should _________.

A. Reduce speed and go slowly, or stop to yield when necessary

B. Continuously honk to urge

C. Swiftly bypass from one side

D. Speed up and bypass

Answer: A

14. When a vehicle changes to the right lane, the driver should turn on the right-turn signal in advance, observe and enter the new lane if it is safe to do so.

Answer: Y

15. When a motorized vehicle stops temporarily at the roadside, the driver ________.

A. Is not allowed to stop in the opposite direction or in parallel

B. May stop anyway he likes as long as it is convenient for him to get out

C. May stop the vehicle in the opposite direction

D. May stop the vehicle in parallel

Answer: A

16. When starting up a vehicle stopping at the roadside, the driver should first ________.

A. Depress the accelerator pedal and start

B. Honk

C. Increase engine rotation speed

D. Observe the conditions around the vehicles

Answer: D

17. When driving at night, the drivers visibility range becomes shorter and his observation becomes poorer. At the same time, the driver can easily become tired because he has to highly concentrate his attention.

Answer: Y

18. If a vehicle has the right of way at an intersection but encounters a vehicle cutting in, the driver should _________.

A. Rush to pass

B. Speed up in advance and pass

C. Reduce speed and evade, or stop to yield when necessary

D. Go forward at the normal speed according to the right of way and refuses to evade

Answer: C

19. Reducing the speed to yield when encountering this situation in the intersection.

Answer: Y

20. When the green light at a congested intersection is on, the vehicles _______.

A. May directly enter the intersection

B. Cannot enter the intersection

C. May pass the intersection by borrowing the opposite lane

D. Enter the intersection if it is safe to do so

Answer: B
